Saturday, January 19, 2013

Application Review : Lumie(photo)(camera)


Application information

Price : $1.99
Category : Photo & Video
Size : 25.1 MB
Languages : English, Portuguese
Seller : Paulo Cesar Ferreira© 2012 Nostalgika
Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Hello, I have a review to introduce as usual. If you love to take a photo and like to decorate photos, this application is really good for you. It can transform your images with magical forms of light. Its name is "Lumiè"

With cute and lovely feature, This is really attractive for girls.
Menu screen has 2 icons. The left one is “Choose picture from gallery” and the right one is “take a new photo”.
take_new_photo effect_lumie
If you choose the right icon after you take a photo. The app will adjust a scale, then there will be so many effects such as heart, night light, club light. Just decorate as you like.
When you finish decorating effect, you can adjust a contrast. The contrast has 3 degrees. Normal, Shine, Dark (Sorry, I’m not good at taking a photo. T^T)
export_picture share_picture
After finish, you can decide to export with frame or not and if you want to share on social network, just click share.
Entirely, This camera app is adorable and fashionable. It may not fit for me because of my bad skill. But it’s so awesome for girls, so don’t miss to try this one.
Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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