Thursday, January 17, 2013

Application Review : Guitar Pro(Music)

Guitar Pro

Application information

Price : $7.99
Category : Music
Size : 23.4 MB
Languages : English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian
Seller : Arobas Music© 2012 Arobas Music
Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Today, I have an application to review. If music is your life, you should not miss it. Especially, guitarist who wants to transcribe a song. This app named “Guitar Pro”. It can be installed in iPhone, iPod. iPad.

This is a feature. Direction is close to the use in computer.
Here I start in Add menu. Add a song from this menu. The song can be added from computer, iTunes and Safari. A tab requires .gp4,.gp5 file type.
Scores example_play_tab
You will see a list in Scores menu. The app has a sample to you. Just start playing. It’s also a lesson for you to practice. Sample picture is below
Guitar Pro is able to create too. Add music score and option as you like. This one is really suitable for composer.
setting_1 setting_2
You can set option properties up to your heart.
You can adjust more properties at More menu.
Totally, Guitar Pro is similar to computer version. However it’s handy and portable. This is so good for a musician particularly a guitarist or an amateur one too. It feels like music score is always with you
Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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