Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Application Review : Hiragana Bubbles(Language)(Education)

Hiragana Bubbles

Application information

Price : $1.99
Category : Education
Size : 2.9 MB
Language : English
Seller : Suzan Sanver© 2009 Lemon Sanver
Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Today I’m going to review application. Are you studying Japanese? If you are studying like me, I’m looking for application to practice Japanese. This is the app to help me. Its name is “Hiragana Bubbles".

This app helps you memorize Japanese alphabet. You know. Remembering Japanese alphabet is quite difficult.
Some of them are so similar. The app will train you to understand more alphabet and you can adjust difficulty to Advance.
play__game1 play_game2
The direction is not hard. When a game starts. 5 Hiragana are floating. You just press an alphabet that sounds like a question. If you are correct, You will get a point.
When a game ends, It will show top 10 scores and the percentage you press per minute.
Anyone who starts studying Japanese or remembering Hiragana. I think Hiragana Bubbles is good app to practice Japanese. so let’s try to download it.
Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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