Thursday, February 7, 2013

Application Review : Quit Smoking in 5 Days(Medical)

Quit Smoking in 5 Days
Applcation information
Price : $8.99
Category : Medical
Size : 2.0 MB
Language : English
Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
Cigarette is dangerous. It causes a lot of diseases such as Pulmonary Emphysema, cancer and too many. I think you know it but you can’t quit smoking. I have a good way to introduce you. It’s an application named "Quit Smoking in 5 Days" Let’s see how it works.

This picture below shows menu screen. It has 2 minor menus. There are Benefits and Plan 5 Days.
On Benefits menu the app informs the benefit of quitting smoking when you stop and the period of time that your body will get healthier. (Depends on health and other factors)
At Plan 5 Day there are steps to stop smoking. Follow these steps if you finish the first step, Press “Next” to do the following steps. You have to do it for 5 days.
When you have done it for 5 days. Program will show a message to congratulate you which means you can quit smoking.
This application is very effective for smoker who wants to quit smoking. A point to stop is your mind. I’m sure that if your mind has strong will, you can do it. Just 5 days you will become healthier. I hope the app that I review will save your life from smoking.
 Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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