Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Application Review : Midori Japanese Dictionary (Reference)(Dictionary)

Midori (Japanese Dictionary)

Application information

Price : $9.99
Category : Reference
Size : 68.4 MB
Languages : English, Japanese
Seller : Sukolsak Sakshuwong© 2012 Sukolsak Sakshuwong
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Hello, Today I have an application to introduce. This app is suitable for people who is now studying Japanese. It’s available for iPhone, iPad, iPod.
"Midori (Japanese Dictionary)"

Midori is the eng-jap dictionary and easy-to-use. The interface looks like common dictionary. You can text a word in English or Japanese. A program will run a list which you want to search.
When you found a word, You will get a detail of it such as part of speech, the example sentence, how to write it into Kanji. This app includes Katakana, Hiragana and Kanji.
compound_midori write_midori
You can also write a Japanese letter in this app. The app will analyze the letter and represent a near letter to be chosen, so it will be more convenient for people who is good at writing.
lesson_midori lesson2_midori
Not only a dictionary, Midori also has a lesson, basic words, common Kanji in newspaper, Katakana and Hiragana chart.
Words which you use often can be bookmarked in History, so you will be able to look for these words anytime.
translate_midori Besides if you want to translate Japanese language. You just put word or sentence to it.
Anyway I think this app is a great one for Japanese learner. Anyone who is studying Japanese. I, Devilkiddy recommend Midori to you.
Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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