Friday, January 25, 2013

Application Review : Japanese Food Recipe Gallery(Food)

Japanese Food Recipe Gallery

Application information

Price : Free
Category : Food & Drink
Size : 58.2 MB
Languages : English, Japanese
Seller : Excite Japan Co.,Ltd.© Excite Japan Co., Ltd.
Requirements : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
Hello, I’m going to review an application as usual. Does anyone love Japanese food? If you love it like I do and especially, if you also love to cook. This app will be a good one for your meal. Because the app will make you able to cook Japanese food by yourself. So you don’t need to go to Japanese restaurant anymore. This app is "Japanese food recipe gallery"

The main screen looks so Japanese.
all_recipe_japan_food On menu screen. There are plenty of recipes and if you aren’t satisfied with these you can buy in the app for more 250 recipes.
preparation1  ingredent1  directions1
This is the sample picture. There are ingredients, preparation and directions like a cookbook. Besides, It informs you an estimated time and calories.
favorite_menu If you specially love any foods, You can add them to Favorites. It will make you easier to cook them for the next time
Furthermore, There is Shopping List menu. It advises you appropriate ingredients to serve if you have to cook for many dishes. This will keep your dishes delicious even if you have to cook more dishes.
How is it? Do you like this? Even though some menus are not free so you have to buy it to see. However, This app still contains free various menus. It is worthy of taking a look on it. You’ll be able to cook without buying a cookbook.
Thank you for reading and follow my other articles on Review app by Devilkiddy.

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